IAS invites you to submit abstracts detailing your research endeavours for presentation. The presenter/author may submit their abstract here...

  1. *Cadaveric Workshop Registration is Mandatory for Residential & Non-Residential
  2. Abstracts of superior quality will be selected by the IAS Committee for presentation for IASCON 2023.
  3. IAS strongly encourages the submission of abstracts on research topics which includes Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine and Joint Preservation studies.
  4. Abstracts are invited for the following Categories of the
    • Knee
    • Shoulder & Elbow
    • Ankle, Wrist & Hip
    • Innovative Technique Video (Video & Literature)
    • E-Poster
  5. Last date of Submission of Abstracts is 31st July 2023
  6. Abstracts that have been submitted and presented in other National and International scientific meetings are not acceptable.
  7. Organising Committee reserves the right to change the format of presentation (Oral / E-Poster) of the abstract or to reject it.
  8. Abstracts will be judged solely on the data submitted and will be selected for medal category based on blinded reviews and scoring .the abstract on research question, methodology, results and conclusion.
  9. Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent by email to the Approved Presenter. Full Papers of the short listed abstracts to be submitted within 2 weeks.
  10. Shortlisted Abstracts for papers would submit their work in a Full Paper format to our official society’s journal, JASSM, as per the guidelines for the authors (https://jassm.org/for-authors/ ), for a peer-review and possible publication.
  11. All Selected Abstracts would be published as abstracts in the conference proceedings in the JASSM.
  12. Selected Full Papers will be considered for publication if it fulfils the review system of JASSM, official journal of IAS.
  13. Guidelines for Innovative Video Technique Session:
    • Abstracts should contain:
      1. Title
      2. Why the author chose this technique?
      3. What's innovative in the technique?
      4. How it is different from the current practice?
      5. Brief description of the technique. Its advantages and disadvantages.
      6. Abstract must be not more than 250 words.
    • Presenting Author should be the primary surgeon.
    • Shortlisted Abstracts would be invited to send the final edited video of 5 mins duration as per JASSM guidelines (The video should be of high quality with or without audio with a clear explanation or instructions of steps involved. The format of videos accepted: .mp4, .mov, .wmv) within two weeks